ブックタイトル教育医学 J.Educ.Health Sci. 第63巻 第2号 通巻 第288号


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教育医学 J.Educ.Health Sci. 第63巻 第2号 通巻 第288号

高齢ボランティアが運教営育する医学運動第サークルへの?3巻第2号参加18??194が地域在頁住(201?女性高年齢者10の月下)肢機能に与える影響原著高齢ボランティアが運営する運動サークルへの参加が地域在住女性高齢者の下肢機能に与える影響1)1,2)3)4)4)1)2)5)佐藤文音,藤井啓介,辻大士,神藤隆志,北濃成樹,金美珍,堀田和司,大藏倫博Effect of a Group Exercise Activity Managed by OlderVolunteers on the Lower Extremity Physical Function ofCommunity-Dwelling Older WomenAyane SATO 1), Keisuke FUJII 1,2), Taishi TSUJI 3), Takashi JINDO 4), Naruki KITANO 4), Mijin KIM 1),Kazushi HOTTA 2)and Tomohiro OKURA 5)AbstractIntroduction: In some regions, experts train community-dwelling older people so that they can managevoluntary group exercise activities and provide technical advice to participants in their programs. Suchgroup exercise activities led by older volunteers are increasing. However, the effect of volunteers' exercisesupport has not yet been sufficiently examined. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect ofgroup exercise activities led by older volunteers, which mainly entailed the Square-Stepping Exercise(SSE), on the lower-extremity physical function of community-dwelling older women. Methods: Subjectswere 60 community-dwelling older women in Kasama City, Ibaraki. Thirty women participated in a groupexercise activity managed by older volunteers (SSE group activity) for approximately 1 year, while theremaining 30 subjects did not (control group). The SSE group activity consisted of an SSE for improvinglower extremity physical function, and warm-up and cool-down exercises. The lower extremity physicalfunction of all 60 subjects was assessed using 5 physical performance tests: one-leg balance with eyesopen, 5-repetition sit-to-stand, timed up and go, 5 m habitual walk, and 4-way choice reaction time; testswere performed before and after the 1-year of the activity period. Results: Two-way ANOVA revealed asignificant interaction in the performance on the timed up and go (P = 0.006). The performance of subjectswho had participated in the SSE group activity remained the same in the pre and post tests (P = 0.211). On1)筑波大学大学院人間総合科学研究科体育科学専攻〒305-8574茨城県つくば市天王台1-1-12)茨城県立医療大学保健医療学部作業療法学科〒300-0331茨城県稲敷郡阿見町阿見4669-23)千葉大学予防医学センター〒260-0856千葉県千葉市中央区亥鼻1-8-14)公益財団法人明治安田厚生事業団体力医学研究所〒192-0001東京都八王子市戸吹町1505)筑波大学体育系〒305-8574茨城県つくば市天王台1-1-11)Doctoral Program in Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences,University of Tsukuba,1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan (305-8574)2)Department of Occupational Therapy, Ibaraki PrefecturalUniversity of Health Science,4669-2 Ami, Ami-machi, Inashiki-gun, Ibaraki, Japan (300-0331)3)Center for Preventive Medical Sciences, Chiba University,1-8-1 Inohana, Chuo-ku, Chiba, Chiba, Japan (260-8560)4)Physical Fitness Research Institute, Meiji Yasuda Life Foundationof Health and Welfare,150 Tobuki, Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan (192-0001)5)Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, University of Tsukuba,1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan (305-8574)? 186 ?