ブックタイトル教育医学 J.Educ.Health Sci. 第63巻 第2号 通巻 第288号


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教育医学 J.Educ.Health Sci. 第63巻 第2号 通巻 第288号

教育医学緒第形?3明巻美,第小木2号曽加19??203奈子,會頁田(201?信子年10月)資料介護老人福祉施設の施設管理責任者による人材定着のための取り組み1)2)3)緒形明美,小木曽加奈子,會田信子Initiatives for Promoting Employee Retention Carried out byManagers of Facilities Covered by Public Aid Providing LongtermCare to the ElderlyAkemi OGATA 1), Kanako OGISO 2)and Nobuko AIDA 3)AbstractThe purpose of this study was to clarify the organizational management for employee retention andhuman support for employees being promoted by managers of facilities covered by public aid providinglong-term care to the elderly or intensive care homes for the elderly. Semi-structured interviews wereconducted with five facility managers who consented to participate in the study and managed facilities witha low turnover rate that actively carried out initiatives to promote employee retention. The data wassubjected to qualitative inductive analysis and then coded and categorized. Two categories were derived fororganizational management: work environment and competence development. One category was derivedfor human support: building smooth interpersonal relationships.Appropriate organizational management may increase work satisfaction and a desire to continue a postin employees, which may in turn contribute to greater employee retention.キーワード:介護老人福祉施設,特別養護老人ホーム,人材定着,組織運営,人的サポートKeywords:Facility covered by public aid providing long-term care to the elderly, Intensive care homefor the elderly, employee retention, organizational management, human supportⅠ.緒言医療・介護の一体改革が進められる中,医療や終末期ケアを必要とする要介護高齢者は年々増加し,介護老人福祉施設/特別養護老人ホーム(以下,特養)は,中重度の要介護高齢者と家族を支える施設として重点化されている12).高まる需要に対応して質の高いケアサービスを安定的に提供するために,その担い手になる人材の定着は不可欠である.介護ニーズ拡大の一方で,介護職員・看護職員の充足状況は,平成2?年度の介護施設における看護職員の確保・定着の具体的方策に関する調査研究事業報告書によると,看護職員につ1)中部大学生命健康科学部保健看護学科〒487-8501愛知県春日井市松本町12002)岐阜大学医学部看護学科〒501-1193岐阜県岐阜市柳戸1-13)信州大学学術研究院医学保健学域保健学系〒390-8621長野県松本市旭3-1-11)Department of Nursing College of Life and Health Sciences1200, Matsumoto-cho, Kasugai, Aichi, Japan (487-8501)2)Gifu University Nursing Course, School of Medicine1-1,Yanagido, Gifu city, Gifu, Japan (501-1193)3)Institute of Health Science, Academic Assembly School ofMedicine and Health Sciences, Shinshu University3-1-1, Asahi, Matsumoto City, Nagano, Japan (390-8621)? 195 ?