ブックタイトル教育医学 J.Educ.Health Sci. 第63巻 第3号 通巻 第289号


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教育医学 J.Educ.Health Sci. 第63巻 第3号 通巻 第289号

地域包括教ケア育医病学棟における第63巻認知第症3高号齢患252?259者のもてる頁(2018力の活年用2の月現)状と課題資料地域包括ケア病棟における認知症高齢患者のもてる力の活用の現状と課題1)2)3)樋田小百合,小木曽加奈子,渡邊美幸Current Situation of and Problems with the Use of Elderly DementiaPatients’Abilities at Hospitals for Community-based CareSayuri TOIDA 1) , Kanako OGISO 2) and Miyuki WATANABE 3)AbstractThis study aimed to obtain basic data on the current situation of and problems with the use of elderlydementia patients? abilities, as recognized by floor nurses working at hospitals for community-based care.To this end, an interview survey was conducted. The following three categories were extracted on thecurrent situation of the use of elderly dementia patients? abilities:“being involved in the transition torecuperating at home,”“dealing with elderly dementia patients while being aware of their abilities duringtheir hospital stay,”and“understanding elderly dementia patients? abilities with reference to their lives afterleaving the hospital, through multi-occupation cooperation.”The following two categories were extractedas problems with the use of elderly dementia patients? abilities:“elderly dementia patients are in a state inwhich their abilities cannot be used”and“owing to dementia, patients? abilities are difficult to use.”Regarding the use of elderly dementia patients? abilities recognized by nurses who were engaged incommunity-based care, the nurses reported that they tried to maintain the patients? everydayness byregulating the rhythm of their daily lives and having them interact with each other. However, when thepatients? safety and treatment were prioritized, their abilities could not be exerted in many cases.キーワード:地域包括ケア病棟,認知症高齢患者,もてる力Keywords:hospital for community-based care, elderly dementia patient, patient?s abilityⅠ.はじめにわが国は高齢化が進み高齢者人口が増え続け,いわゆる団塊の世代が75歳以上となる2025年には,後期高齢者人口が3,657万人に達すると見込まれている10).さらに,認知症高齢者は増加傾向を示し,2015年1月厚生労8)働省は,2025年の認知症高齢患者は,700万1)修文大学看護学部看護学科〒491-0938愛知県一宮市日光町6番地2)岐阜大学医学部看護学科〒501-1193岐阜県岐阜市柳戸1-13)岐阜医療科学大学保健科学部看護学科〒501-3892岐阜県関市市平賀字長峰795-11)Shubun University Faculty of Nursing Department of Nursing6 Nikkou, Ichinomiya City, Aichi, Japan (491-0938)2)Gifu University Nursing Course, School of Medicine1-1 Yanagido, Gifu City, Gifu, Japan (501-1193)3)Department of Nursing,School of Health Sciences,GifuUniversity of Medical Science795-1 Nagamine, Ichihiraga, Seki City, Gifu, Japan (501-3892)? 252 ?