ブックタイトル教育医学 J.Educ.Health Sci. 第63巻 第3号 通巻 第289号


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教育医学 J.Educ.Health Sci. 第63巻 第3号 通巻 第289号

Tatsuya USUI, Shintaro TSUJI, Nobuhito NAGAI and Chie TAKEYASUraphy method (HPLC). Hematocrit and hemoglobinvalues were also measured using a Celltac alphahematology analyzer for serum blood samples(Nihon Kohden Inc., Tokyo, Japan). These fullyautomated hematology analyzers have 18 parameters,3-part WBC differential and panic values.Celltac alpha analyzers are gentle on both thepatient and the environment. Measurement onlyrequires 10 or 30 microliters of blood. Optionalcap-pierce allows use of sealed tubes which greatlyreduce the chance of touching blood. Non-cyandiluent is much easier on the environment. Celltacalpha provides many convenient features ina compact body such as self-check at power on,automatic cleaning at power off, electric clog removalafter each measurement, notice of remainingreagent levels, and detailed information aboutabnormal values. Celltac alpha is ideal for facilitiesthat don't require high volume measurement.6. Statistical analysisAll statistical analyses were performed usingSPSS for Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). Alldata were normally distributed, and presented asthe mean±S.D. To examine the effects of exerciseon all blood and saliva parameters measured,two-way ANOVAs with repeated measures wereperformed. If statistical significance was detected,post-hoc multiple pairwise comparisons (Tukey-Kramer test) were performed. The area under thecurve (AUC) was calculated using the trapezoidalrule to assess the total change in the direct concentrationsof saliva HBD-2, LL-37, IgA, and cortisol,as well as the change in the plasma norepinephrinelevels, during the exercise session (t = 0 to t = 180)(AUCHBD-2(Exercise), AUCLL-37(Exercise), AUCIgA(Exercise), AUCcortisol (Exercise,) and AUCnorepinephrine(Exercise)) and the resting session (t = 0 to t =180) (AUCHBD-2 (Rest), AUCLL-37 (Rest), AUCIgA(Rest), AUCcortisol (Rest), and AUCnorepinephrine (Rest)).Then, the total difference in the level of each parameterduring the exercise session from that duringthe resting session was calculated as follows:ΔAUCHBD-2 =AUCHBD-2 (Exercise) - AUCHBD-2 (Rest),ΔAUCLL-37 =AUCLL-37 (Exercise) - AUCLL-37 (Rest),ΔAUCIgA = AUCIgA (Exercise) - AUCIgA (Rest),ΔAUCcortisol =AUCcortisol (Exercise) - AUCcortisol (Rest),ΔAUCnorepinephrine =AUCnorepinephrine (Exercise) - AUCnorepinephrine (Rest),To determine the impact of exercise-inducedstress on the antimicrobial profile in saliva, thecorrelation between the total difference in theconcentration of each antimicrobial component(ΔAUCHBD-2,ΔAUCLL-37, andΔAUCIgA) and thatin stress-related parameters (ΔAUCcortisol andΔAUCnorepinephrine) was determined by simple correlations.P values less than 0.05 were considered tobe significant. In the present study, the relationshipbetween salivary immune and stress responsesubstances and exercise (stress) stimuli is investigatedusing the area under the curve (AUC) toevaluate stimulus responses over time.Ⅲ.Results1. Main characteristics of saliva secretion andhemoconcentrationTime courses of the salivary flow rate,osmolality, and protein content are presentedin Table 1. Changes in the saliva flow rate andosmolality appear to be observed immediatelyafter the exercise session compared with theresting session (t = 60), but such tendency wasnot significant when analyzed by a repeatedmeasures two-way ANOVA. Saliva total proteinlevels were significantly increased during 60-min exercise in comparison to the resting session(main effects of time; P<0.001, main effect ofsession; P<0.001, and a time×session interactioneffect; P<0.001), but the increase occurred onlytransiently (P<0.01; resting vs. exercise session att = 60, and P<0.01; t = 0 vs. t = 60 by post-hoctest). Changes in hemoglobin and hematocrit over? 231 ?